Monday, May 30, 2011

Thinking of Sanil

You are no more on this planet Earth!
Neither can I escape this reality, nor can I avoid it.
But, I ain’t strong enough to face this either…
And I want you to know that…
Every little thing makes me…think of you.
The chair, you use to sit on.
My water bottle, you use to have water from.
Your files, you wanted me to complete for you.
The newspaper, you picked only to look at pictures of stalwarts. 
My diary, you disturbed, tried reading then laughed at it.
My headphones, you always snatched to hear what I was listening to.
Jazz, only music I hated & you loved.
Your crayons’ collection, I envied & wanted to use all the time.
My pen drive, you took, lost, found, returned and after while again wanted.
My wallpaper collection, you always giggled and said “Sonam Mahajan is very “DISNEY”.
Ranbir Kapoor, I loved & you thought is it him or you, on my mind!
My laptop bag, you use to carry, whenever I walked along with you.
The kiosk, we went walking, talking, discussing, arguing and fighting.
 The banana shake, you liked to have only at noon, when there was scorching heat.
The trees near basket ball court, where you waited; till I came down to go for walk with you.
 The road to campus café, we strolled silently, dreaming about our future.
The roundabout, we had fun around, trying catching each other.
The chocolates, we bought, ate, fought for and shared with each other.
The Apple juice, I use to finish off while to got something more to eat.
Sidney Sheldon’s novels, we got from your favorite shop, “Reader’s paradise”
The windy storms, we use to look at, through the windows and wish it rains.
Rains, you loved, enjoyed & messaged “hey! it’s raining”.
My umbrella, you disliked when I used it while walking with you.
My gloves, you wore as soon I removed them before going to class.
My uniform tie, you use to tie time and again till I said, “leave it”
My blue-grey shirt, you liked & wanted to own.
My high heels, you wanted me to remove.
The smiley’s, you use to send, when you wanted to converse through messages.
(The good night messages still in the inbox, intact.)
The class rooms & labs, we use to stand outside waiting for each other.
My starry tattoo, providing you with a permanent subject to tease…
My cabin, your favorite hang-out, your cabin, my favorite place…
The parking area, where we planned each evening spent together
The block stairs, where we argued, complained, fought and went on our different ways.
Head quarters, your favorite place to eat & chill…

 The bamboo plant, you gave me before you left for home!



  1. no words to say anymore...simply speechless comments ...!!

  2. Words are the most powerful drug!!! its all humans have more than other species!

  3. read ur blog... "feeling blue".. read it, felt it n wanted 2 read more till i read d one which ws bout ur love... ,n stumbled over the reality.. "life is so bloody unpredicteble"..
    dnt knw u bt still wish dat u both meet may b in some other world:::
    luv & respect

  4. Thanks for appreciating...
    I hope & pray your wish comes true!!!
    God bless
