Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy Gaming!

As entertainment industry has advanced substantially, many different types of video game consoles and games are flooding the market.  Of course, when I started playing video games, my parents and relatives would tell me that games were ‘Bad’ and there were several negative effects of video games. Ever since I can remember video games have been blamed for a lot of things. Right from childhood obesity to making kids aggressive much is talked about the harmful effects of video games. But the incessant gamer in me had alternative positive effect to make elders believe that gaming is harmless (Though my arguments were not that influential).  Recently, reading a news report on eye care, I was glad to know that action and adventure games can in fact enhance vision and also help cure amblyopia (lazy eye wherein person’s one eye vision is inferior).
It is true that video games, especially those depicting violence and aggression, have the possibility of behavioral changes amongst children. But, playing video games is like a mind or brain exercise: it can sharpen the brain. Playing video games includes proper understanding of rules, limits, goals, controls of the game which can enhance the cognitive abilities of the child. By playing video games the problem solving abilities, quick thinking, attention to detail, multi-tasking, decision making abilities can significantly improve.
Making video games a social activity wherein the child’s friends are also part of the play or family members playing along with, a sense of team work and cooperation can also be introduced to them. Video games are fun way to make the child feel comfortable with technology and embrace it without intimidation.
We are living in the age of technology and it is high time we start looking at them in right perspective. Happy Gaming!

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